Management training

Implementing a people driven managerial approach that optimizes your teams' potential, and therefore their performance, while keeping them motivated and serene.

Manager son équipe : développer son leadership, motiver, donner du feedback, animer, former, coacher, etc.
Manager à distance
Manager la performance (KPIs & action plans)
Manager la contre-performance
Manager la diversité (générationnelle et culturelle)
Recruter son équipe
Gérer son temps et optimiser son organisation

"RMS is a trusted partner referenced in our training catalog, and works in particular with our store managers on the pillars of management: people management and performance management. We regularly call on the RMS teams because the training courses are jointly designed, punchy, pragmatic and operational. The trainers have solid experience in the field, and get results even with teams where resistance can be strong. I also appreciate their adaptability, as they work with different professions and on different Monoprix themes.
Adeline Baral
Head of pedagogy/training at Monoprix
Richard Jolivet
Retail Director at Naturalia

our kpi's missions

Participant satisfaction


Customer satisfaction


+ 19


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